Lettering | Poster and Calendar

Latin and Feminist

I was selected to be one of the 12 female illustrators who collaborated with the “Lute Todos os Dias” Calendar for 2024.

I chose to illustrate the month of July because of the International Day of Black Latin American and Caribbean Women. I worked with the words “Latina e Feminista” (Latin and Feminist in English) as a letterpress street posters, a traditional form of art and very popular throughout Latin America. I used in this piece bold and strong letters contrasting with delicate cursive to represent the different facets of the Latina women. The colors were inspired by the joy and receptivity of the Latin people and are presented as a typical letterpress gradient.

The “Lute Todos os Dias” Calendar is a feminist calendar created by Cristina Pagnoncelli. Participants donated the artworks in the calendar, and all profits resulting from the sale will be donated to NGOs, collectives, and institutions whose purpose is to support women.

Design, Production and Curation - Cristina Pagnoncelli @crispagnoncelli
Typedesigner - Sofia Mohr @sofiamohr.design
January - Camila Viegas @c.lasviegas
February - Kamilla Flores @katavaflores
March - Lucí a Guerra @eusouaguerra
April - Bárbara Tamilin @barbaratamilin
May - Adriana Bukowski @drikabukowski
June - dpaula @dp4ul4_
July - Lygia Pires @lygiapires
August - Bruna Rison @br.arqart
September - Lais Zanocco @zanodesign
October - Ju Maia @essajumaia
November - Nise @letras.da.nise
December - Zafa @thaizzafalon

Thank you!

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